Saturday, June 19, 2010

Joe Joe is still alive!

Sorry, I was burried deep in my burrow for sometime now. No worries tho! I have now come up for air and essentials.

Whats been going on? I have started back at the gym!!! I know, I know...Broseph is back in full action. However Im takin it a different approach. Im not going for Mongaloid status. I just want to be in shape, good cardio health, and have a TAN! I will no longer look like the vampires off of Twilight!!!

First day back in the gym was AWFULL! Im just glad there was noone in there to watch that pathetic display of "lifting" weights. I started the first day with Chest/Triceps. I know when I was back in gym mode my sets were 135lbs-10x, 225lb-8x, 265lbs-6x, and on a good day...315lbs 3-4x. Now...pfffttt...HAHAHA. I didnt get of 165lbs. It was so bad. Then ran a mile after the workout. I love running. I sleep alot better and I feel so much better afterwards.

Then I get in the tanning bed. I ask my buddy if he had some lotion. He also is a pale one so I didnt think to look at the lotion he gave me. 4 minutes into it it felt like someone set me on fire and was trying to put me out with a screwdriver! FUCKING TINGLE!!! I got out looking purple. I wanted to kill the bastard! Thank God that shit doesnt last but like 30 minutes. Worst 30 minutes EVER. Now, the gym is more of the routine now. Now longer feeling the BAD sore anymore. I new I had to get in the gym when Id be sitting at the the tables and Id feel alittle pooch creep over the belt. NOT PIMPIN!!!

Hmmm...what else what else...OH...June 18th (yesterday) was my BIRFDAY!! YAAAY ITS MAH BIRFDAY YAAAAY!!!! Its so sad. Now-a-days...its just another day for me. I remember being little and the only thing you looked forward to was Christmas, and your birthday...and summer. Now...shit. Another day...pft. I wish I could spend just one day back when everything was so simple. No worries. Ehh..wouldnt we all, right?

Also, my garbage ass job...we where on a schedule to where I was getting every other weekend off and atleast 2 days during the week off. Now...Sunday-Thursday. SHIT BLOWS! Not only am I missing out on all the awesome tournys and juicy cash games online on Sundays, but its really messing up my relationship with Ashley. We hardly ever see each other anymore. I work at night we only see each other in passing all week. When the weekend comes...shit, I hardly have any time for poker any more. It sucks. I guess I could play some during the week, but its ganna have to be cash only. Which is fine...just really wanted to keep working on my tourny game.

Which brings me to my next part!


Well, alot to tell you people. I had almost been felted. Yes, completely B-R-O-K-E. I have the worst bankroll management ever, FYI. Its kind of like "Rounders". If I can get into a big game and shoot for the fences...Ill do it everytime. Regardless of my bankroll size. Its good, but bad at the same time. My $ rollercoasters pretty much on a month to month basis. I am fully confident in my game...which is why I dont limmit myself to small stakes. The only time youll see my playing small games, A) thats all they have or B) its all I HAVE. If I have made a huge run lately...your ganna see me sitting in for as much as possible. Bad side...well...all or nothing!

Well that happened. But, as usual...I have bounced back from crushing small live games and owning HU omaha on Full Tilt. I would also like to any point there are several people I have the uhh..."Power of borrowing" option available to me, but...I dunno. If I make a HUGE score, which I am at any time capable of doing, I dont wanna cut anyone in on it. Maybe for a tourny situation, but not cash. Well...i say that now...maybe in like huge OOBER game. Anyways...I nickle and dimed myself back to a nice size, playable bankroll, and it feels good!!

That being said...I will never change my style of play. Im not bragging... but Im never playing scared. No matter if I have 100k in my pocket or $10 in my pocket. Fearless poker, is winning poker. At the same time...I have got to get my bankroll under control. I real in a POKER PRO mag one time...that the younger you are the more you are able to take these kind of swings. Young and powerful players dont mind going broke, because they see they have all the time in the world to rebuild. The older you get, start going broke then...They say it can drive you to the point of depression in some cases. I dont want that to be me. I want to be able to always be comfortable playing the stakes I choose.

Talked to Monk-master-flex from time to time since he has been in Vegas. Poor bastard has been getting roasted. I think he actually just took down his first tourny last night! Good for you man. I told you! Swings...come and go. Keep the gears grinding and make that money. Nice job bro! Oh, and he texted me like 10 min after midnight and wished me a Happy Birthday! Nice Hand sir! Well played!

On to other things. Im not ganna mention this guys name...but I got a friend request on facebook, followed by a message to join the grounp. Have any of you heard of this before!?? Its CRAZY. Kind of bullshit really. Dont mean to say it like that...but really. Its a series of videos and computer software that step by step tried to teach you winning technniques in poker!

I think the first package is like $50...the the other package, which you apparantly MUST have to finish what you started in the fucking $300!!! They have Montel Williams advertising it on the website!!! I mean...people will pay that??? REALLY! I might just open up a local shop here in town and be like a poker tutor! Charge..psh...shit...$50 an hour, and if we play online, Ill charge a %50 take!!!

Come to find out, the people want you to sell these things to other players for a comission! Theres like 5 different ways you can earn money through it. FUCK THAT! "Oh , yeah shouldnt have called on the river with your set on a 4 card flush this package deal for $350 and youll see why."


Hell....if your interested let me know...Ill give you the guys name...find me on facebook and send me a message. Ill hook you up.

Thats all I got for now.

Be cool peoples!


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